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7. Dan für Johannes Daxbacher

Johannes Daxbacher vom PSV Königsbrunn wurde mit dem 7.Dan ausgezeichnet und bekam dieses am 22.12.2021 verliehen. Bei der Zeremonie waren Denis Weisser (IJF), Teo A. Pop (IJF) und BJV-Präsident Klaus Richter anwesend. Der BJV gratuliert ganz herzlich zu dieser herausragenden Leistung und freut sich über die Anerkennung und Würdigung der Leistung für den Judosport, die Johannes Daxbacher seit vielen Jahrzehnten, auf allen Ebenen und in so vielen unterschiedlichen Bereichen erbracht hat und weiterhin erbringt! 

"It is my pleasure and honour to inform you that our friend and Grandmaster Johannes Daxbacher has been awarded the 7th degree of black belt (red-white). It took him more than 15 years to get from 6th Dan to 7th Dan. The award ceremony took place in the presence of the IJF representatives and the German Judo Federation. He is now one of the few persons who can call himself international instructor proudly, having been recognized in teaching, testing, exchanging and designing judo in Germany, Italy, Ethiopia, Japan, India, Myanmar, Sudan and so on.

He has shown us what it means to be a Judoka/Budoka who goes beyond the limits of being mutual beyond the border and nationality by electing Ethiopia /Africa his second Judo home country. it would not have been possible to get all this support, the mates, the judogis, the IJF standard graduations, the further material support, competitions, seminars, would not have been possible without him. Without him, Ethiopian police sport would not be a member of international police sport. Behind every technical training or the procurement of a single tatami mat, there are so many expenditures. It sometimes seems easy and forgettable. Through the network of our international friends, these tireless supporters are never forgotten. The path is our goal, not what counts at the moment, whether there are few actions or not, whether there are a thousands or just only one left, that is secondary."